So.... I love picture frames. A lot. My Mother in law got me a cute little one that holds the sonogram and it is adorable. And I got the grandmas-to-be this little frame, which is adorable only because the baby picture is freggin awesome :)
I looked up single parent play groups here in Tucson, and there are a TON! I'm kinda excited for that. I know I have a while before he can play really, but I can't wait to have that happen. I think it will be good for me too, because then maybe I'd stop feeling sorry for myself. Doubtful. [I love self loathing]
LJ told me just now he hates the name Giovanni... So, what do I do? I love it, and I think it sounds great.. but if he hates it... do I do it anyway? Or do I settle for a name I don't love? I suppose Nicolas Joseph is ok, and we both thought that was nice... but Giovanni just has more umph--ya know?
What to do, what to do.....
How about Nicolas Giovanni, and you can just call him Giovanni. My friend Brian's name is actually Nathan Brian. His parents always intended to call him Brian, but thought Nathan Brian had a better ring to it.